Developer Rasul Mono and publisher Ratalaika Games have brought us a brand new, Indie Metroidvania to sink our teeth into. In the game you play as Ogden, an orphan who sneaks into a usually locked room in the orphanage he lives in. This room belongs to the headmistress and she forbids people from entering. Inside he finds a mask and like most children decides he has to touch it. Once he puts on the mask he transforms into a monster and its up to you to help him regain his human form.
What we liked:
Simple, yet challenging combat
Interesting/dark characters
Creepy enemy designs
The hand drawn art style
Interesting redemption storyline
Multiple endings depending on the choice you make in game
Power Ups and upgrades you unlock as you play
Optional Side Quests
Makes you finish the game to get the 1000g
What we didn't like:
Short experience - could finish in an hour
No voice acting - text only
Difficulty spikes at points
Sparse checkpoints can be frustrating
Overall The Guise is a decent Metroidvania game. With its unique graphical aesthetic, dark, brooding environments and monsters/characters that pop from the backgrounds and decent side scrolling platforming and combat. The story is interesting and the games difficulty is challenging at times, which is a nice change for a game published by Ratalaika as usually they are very easy games to play (not that this is meant as a slight in any way - it's just a nice change of pace). The game isn't overly long in length but it at least makes you play through the entire thing to get the full 1000g! TOTAL SCORE: 7/10
The Guise was released onto the Xbox store on the 17th March 2023. It's playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S consoles. The game is priced at £5.99 and can be purchased HERE. It is also available on PC and other consoles.
A copy of the game was provided for this review. A big thanks for that!